Balance Sheet Report

The Balance Sheet is a snap shot of the financial position of the business. Sources funds from Investment, borrowings and retained profits are shown with how those funds are currently deployed in terms of Assets, debtors, creditors, stocks and cash

Detail Version

The detail version of the Balance Sheet report provides you with a view of the asset and liability accounts which make up the report.

Comparative Version

The comparative version of the Balance Sheet report provides you with a comparison between the current period (to your As At Date) and the same period in the previous year.

Save a report

Reports can be saved locally to your computer, or within the Liberty Accounts database.

If you are viewing a report in Adobe Acrobat you can save it by clicking on the save icon within the Adobe Acrobat reader application.

If you want to save the report within the Liberty Accounts database after the report has been generated and the pdf closed simply give the report a meaningful name by editing the suggested report name then click the SAVE button. Reports saved within Liberty Accounts can be viewed at a later.

Reports - Saved Reports