Payroll Menu

The Payroll menu provides access to functions that support the set up of payroll and other employee related matters such Pension Auto-enrolment and employee benefits.

Standard Payroll Accounts Added

When the Payroll Module is invoked the following standard accounts standard accounts are automatically added to the organisations chart of accounts.

Current Liabilities:-

Expense Accounts

Less used accounts such as SMP will not be automatically added but, where required, they can be added from Liberty Accounts standard accounts (Accounts menu).

A new user or a user unfamiliar with payroll may find it convenient to use a Payroll Check List as a good guide to setting up and running payroll. This check list contains links to other relevant help and information.

Click Payroll Issues and Errors to find help related to some of the most common issues and problems in running payroll.

Employee details for payroll purposes are prepared, payrolls are configured, run and reported using tools under this menu.

Payroll Message about new starters from HMRC

HMRC make it clear that errors is setting up payroll data for new starters is a regular problem, both for them, the employer and employee. With that in mind, they have published answers to frequently asked questions on the right starter declaration and tax codes

What to do if their new employee does not have a P45?
Use the starter checklist, which must be completed by or in conjunction with the Employee, to find their starter declaration code and the appropriate tax code. For online access click Starter checklist - HMRC online tool or click Starter checklist (pdf)
What tax code to use with starter declaration C?
Use tax code BR. If they cannot complete the starter checklist, put the new employee on starter declaration C and use tax code 0T
What PAYE details do employers need to gather from new employees?
Ensure they are submitting accurate personal data including
  • name
  • date of birth
  • national insurance number
verifying against official documents and that it is in the correct format.

Payroll Menu Topics

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