Fund Maintenance

This screen is used to create and edit a Fund associated with the organisation.

When a new fund is added the system simultaneously adds an account with the same name. The account is grouped within other funds of the same type so that balances are accumulated to the same type in the balance sheet and fund reports.


If this tickbox is un-ticked a branch will be considered inactive. Deactivate a Fund if you do not want them to appear in Fund drop-down lists.


If this box is ticked than when a transaction is being entered the Fund drop-down automatically populates with this particular Fund. Only one Fund may be the default fund.


Holds the name of the Fund that will be presented in reports and drop-down boxes.

Fund code

An fund code may be set up for use when using data import facilities.

Fund Type

A Fund type must be selected from one of the following types.

If you are unsure which to select please consult your advisor.

Trading Fund

If the Fund is a Trading Fund that requires a trading income and expenditure report in addition to being reported in the SOFA (Statement of Financial Activities, then tick the box. By default it is un-ticked.

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