Edit Purchase Order
Use this screen to enter and amend details of a purchase order.
Stock Return?
Tick the box if the transaction is a stock return (in effect a negative purchase order).
PO Number
You may enter a Purchase Order number or you may leave the field empty. If the field is left blank the next PO number is generated for you.
The next number for the sequence can be modified from the Stock Module Configuration screen via the Stock tab.
Stock---Configure Stock
The supplier list contains all active suppliers associated with the business.
Auto-complete field names
Rather than a drop-down to select from a list, simply start typing and the system will identify any occurrences of the combination of characters entered and you select from that shorter list. As an example, type 'able' and the system will offer:
Able Contractors
Capable Cleaning
Reasonable Roofers
Adding new customers / suppliers
If the combination of characters you enter does not provide any results, press tab and the system will know you need to add the customer/supplier and ask you to confirm the details. At this point add address, email contact etc if required.
Expected Delivery Date
Enter the date of the expected delivery. This date is used in demand planning reports and is therefor a required field.
When entering dates manually, a date guessing routine speeds up the input by taking the
user input and assuming the missing month and or year based on the current date as the
user leaves the field i.e.
the date today is 30th October 2015
- User enters 15 or 15/ and tabs - field displays 15/10/2015
- User enters 15/9 or 15/9/ and tabs - field displays 15/9/2015
Bill Branch
Click the box if the Supplier Bill for the purchase order is to be directed to the Branch.
The PO will display the bill-to and ship-to addresses as the same, and the Bill will be charged to the Branch P&L.
The memo field can be used to enter free format descriptive text.
Close PO?
Tick the box to close the Purchase Order and remove it from the listing. Only do this when all goods have been received and the bill raised.
If the box is ticked before any goods have been received the PO is removed with no impact. If there has been a partial receipt then the goods remain recorded in the stock and goods received accounts but no bill can be created from the PO listing; it will need to be done from the normal Create Bill process.
Stock Item
Select from the dropdown list a Stock Item to be ordered. If a Stock Item does not exist it will need to be added via the add Stock Item process.
Supplier Reference
Enter the Supplier reference, catalogue or part number for the Stock Item.
If a Supplier Reference for the predominant Supplier has been recorded against the Stock Item then this is pre-populated. Overwrite as necessary.
Quantity Ordered
Enter the quantity of the stock item to be ordered.
Current Unit Cost
The current unit cost of the selected stock item displayed for convenience and to help you monitor changing prices from your supplier.
When using standard pricing the value may be appropriate to copy to the unit price field for the PO item by clicking the button. The unit price field is the value that must match the price agreed with your supplier for the purchase you are processing.
Unit Price
Enter the unit purchase price for the stock item being ordered.
Total Price
The Total Price is the quantity extended by the unit purchase price.
Purchase Overhead
A purchase overhead, for say carriage or insurance, can be added to the purchase order and then allocated to the line items using a quantity or value basis.
The purchase overhead is added to the price for stock valuation purposes.
May be left blank if necessary.
Overhead Allocation Method
If a purchase overhead is being applied, an allocation method can be selected. Tick either a quantity or value basis. On an amount of the overhead is then allocated to each line item.
The amounts allocated may be subsequently overwritten.
The allocation method is only available on the occasion of the PO creation and not on edit.