Edit Sales Order

Sales Order Processing (SOP) is available both for the sale of stocked items as well as non-stocked sales items. The SOP system allows for:

Use this screen to enter and amend details of a sales order.

SO Number

Unless the user enters a Sales Order number the next SO number is automatically generated.

The next number for the sequence can be modified from the Stock Module Configuration screen via the Stock tab.

Stock - Configure Stock

Bill To

Select the Customer (Bill to) from the dropdown list.

Auto-complete field names

Rather than a drop-down to select from a list, simply start typing and the system will identify any occurrences of the combination of characters entered and you select from that shorter list. As an example, type 'able' and the system will offer:

Able Contractors

Capable Cleaning

Reasonable Roofers


Adding new customers / suppliers

If the combination of characters you enter does not provide any results, press tab and the system will know you need to add the customer/supplier and ask you to confirm the details. At this point add address, email contact etc if required.

Ship To Bill To

The box defaults to ticked, meaning that the bill-to and ship-to address are the same.

Un-ticking the box allows a ship-to address relevant to the customer to be selected from the drop down.

Zero Rate EC Sale

If this sales order is for a VAT registered customer in a EU member state, the supply can be zero rated. To zero rate the supply on the sales invoice tick the box. This will overwrite any default VAT rates set for the sales items picked for the sales order.

Ship To

Select the ship-to address from the dropdown list.

Order, Delivery and Planned Ship dates

By default the order date and planned ship dates are given todays date and the delivery date one day later. All of the dates can be over-written as required. Note these dates are used in the planning reports and Sales Order status report.


If required select an appropriate branch from which to despatch the goods.


The memo field can be used to enter free format descriptive text.

The line items that make up the Sales Order now need to be added. A line item is a number of units of a Sales Item extended by the unit value to give the total sales order amount.

ADD ITEM button accesses the line item input. Select the Item from the dropdown. Default values, if they exist, for Rate (Unit sales price) and VAT Rate (If VAT registered) are displayed. These defaults may be overridden. Enter any Additional Item Text (This will be printed on the Invoice) and then enter the Quantity for the sales item. The system will extend the values and summarises them.

SAVE ITEM button saves that line item in the screen. Clicking ADD ITEM button on each occasion allows user to enter further Line items. UNDO ITEM cancels the current line item data.

Sales Item

Select from the dropdown list a sales Item to be ordered.

Auto-complete field names

Rather than a drop-down to select from a list, simply start typing and the system will identify any occurrences of the combination of characters entered and you select from that shorter list. As an example, type 'con' and the system will offer:

Consultancy Services

Design Consultancy

Office Contracting


If the combination of characters you enter does not provide any results press tab and the system prompts for a new sales item to be set up. Navigate to the Sales Items menu.

Income - Sales Items - Add

Enter sales items information as usual.

Quantity Ordered

Enter the quantity of the sales item to be ordered.

Unit Price

Enter the unit sales price for the sales item being ordered.

Total Price

The Total Price is the quantity extended by the unit sales price.

To record the sales order click on the SUBMIT button, the screen redraws to display, in addition to the information entered and stored, the status and options to reserve the stock and despatch the order.

In order to despatch and invoice the stock must first be reserved. This is done by clicking the RESERVE button. Note that the stock must exist (on the system) for the SO to be reserved. The SO screen indicates whether there is sufficient stock.

If there is sufficient stock then the order can be despatched by clicking the DISPATCH button; a sales order despatch screen is presented to manage the despatch process. Clicking SUBMIT confirms the despatch.

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