Supplier Details
This screen is used to create and edit supplier accounts.
Details of Suppliers need to be set up before bill transactions or opening balance documents are entered on the system.
When all appropriate details have been entered click SUBMIT to store the information.
Active/Inactive Toggle
Toggle the switch to set the supplier as inactive. Deactivate a customer if you do not want them to appear in customer drop-down lists. Even though a customer is inactive, any receipts for outstanding amounts due, can be dealt with in the usual way.
Supplier Name
Enter the suppliers's business name as you would like it to appear in drop-down lists.
User Defined Code
This field may be used to hold a user-defined alpha-numeric code for the record. If you enter a '+' the system will automatically insert the record id for the current item. This record id is guaranteed to be unique in Liberty Accounts - but may not be a consecutive sequence.
This field is useful for entering codes that cross-reference codes in other systems and is also used for the invoice and bill uploads. Note that the codes are case-sensitive and must match exactly during uploads for an item to be loaded.
Select the country of the supplier. This must be set correctly for a VAT registered supplier in an EU member state to ensure correct reporting of EU acquisitions.
Share Documents As
For cases when payment advices are emailed to this Supplier, select the method by which the recipient retrieves the document, either as an attachment to the email or as a link to the document.
Commercial details for the supplier are entered in the commercial details tab
VAT Number
You may record the supplier VAT number here. If you are VAT registered and reclaim VAT on purchases you must have a proper VAT invoice for your records.
Enter your EU Suppliers' VAT number with optionally the alphabetical code of the applicable EU member state.
The validation algorithms for VAT numbers are not made available so we are not able to check for valid vat numbers. We do check that numbers entered match the formats appropriate to the country you have selected.
To indicate that a VAT number has been validated tick the VAT number validated box. The system will record the date and the user name and display these on the screen when it is next accessed.
Formatting Hints: Spaces or dashes will be removed.
Trading Terms
Select default trading terms agreed with the supplier. N.B. The default terms can be over-ridden when entering a bill.
Note that payments made after the date agreed with your supplier could result in exposing your business to a credit charge from your supplier under late payments legislation.
Bank Details - Sort Code/Account Number
Bank details may be stored for customers, suppliers and employees to facilitate generation of electronic payment files for submission via BACS or online banking services.
If provided the bank sort code should consist of exactly 6 numeric characters. Spaces or other separators are not permitted as they are not valid in BACS submissions.
If provided the bank account number should consist of exactly 8 numeric characters. For accounts with less than 8 characters the number should be left padded with zeros. For accounts with more than 8 characters the number should be left trimmed.
Bank Account Name
Bank details may be stored for customers, suppliers and employees to facilitate generation of electronic payment files for submission via BACS or online banking services.
If provided the bank account name may not be more than 18 characters to conform to the requirements for BACS submissions.