User Profile

This screen is used to sign up as a registered user and to maintain your user details. You can change your password at any time from this screen.

Personal & Contact Details

Enter or amend personal and contact details in the boxes offered.

E-mail Address

Enter e-mail address of user for correspondence. The user must have a e-mail address to use this application.

User Name

A unique user name is required in order for you to be able to use the application. User names can be a maximum of 25 characters, are case sensitive and can be a combination of letters and numbers.


A password is required in order for you to be able to use the application. Passwords are a minimum of six and can be a maximum of 250 characters (although you should make sure your password is something you can remember), are case sensitive and can be a combination of letters and numbers. We recommend you do not use things that others may guess at easily, such as your real name, birthdays etc. Please keep your password secret at all times, any additional users can be set up under their own name and passwords at ant time.

You are required to re-enter your password for verification purposes.

About you....

If the user selects Accountant, Bookkeeper or Treasurer then an option will be presented to use debit/credit labels in transaction registers rather than the default increase/decrease. Tick the box to activate.