Vehicle Maintenance

This screen is used to create and edit a vehicle associated with the organisation.


If this tickbox is unchecked a vehicle will be considered inactive. Deactivate a vehicle if you do not want them to appear in vehicle drop-down lists.


Enter the descriptive text for a vehicle as you would like it to appear in drop-down lists.


The registration number of the vehicle.

List Price

Enter the manufacturers list price for the vehicle. Normally available from the supply dealer. It is not necessarily the sales invoice amount.

Accessories List Price

Enter the list price of any accessories added to the vehicle

Engine Capacity

Enter the engine capacity (in cc) of the vehicle. Normally available from the registration documentation.

CO2 Emissions

Cars sold in the UK and in other European Community countries have to be submitted by their manufacturers or importers for a 'type approval' test. The level of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from the car's exhaust is one of the factors tested.

The approved CO2 emissions figure for car benefit purposes is that which is recorded on the type approval certificate that summarises results of the type approval testing procedure. For car benefit purposes, the CO2 emissions figure that applies at the date of first registration is set for the life of the car.

No Approved CO2 Figure

If there is no approved CO2 figure for the vehicle, tick the box.

If your are unclear as to the meaning of this, you are strongly advised to seek some professional advice

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