Court Orders
This screen is used to create and maintain detail of a court order that is repaid through payroll deductions. The balance of the court order, as remembered by the system, reduces as deductions are made in each payroll. The final deduction is adjusted to write the court order down to zero.
The ADD ITEM button starts the process of adding a new court order. The SAVE ITEM button saves that line item in the screen. Clicking ADD ITEM button on each occasion allows user to enter further items. UNDO ITEM cancels the current item.
To store the court order for processing in a payroll click on the SUBMIT button.
Court Order Name
Enter a unique name and description for the court order in the Court Order Name field.
Payment Pattern
Select the payment pattern from the dropdown box. A Recurring Fixed Amount that is entered in the Amount box below will de deducted each pay run until stopped or amended. A Reducing Balance item will deduct the amount entered in the Amount box below each pay run until a balance outstanding has been reduced to zero. A Fixed Percentage that is entered in the Amount box below will be applied to the Net Pay each pay run until stopped or amended. If the Standard Council Tax Percentage is selected the Amount box below is left empty. An appropriate percentage, taken from the table shown below will be applied to the Net Pay each pay run until stopped or amended.
The Net pay is the Gross pay less normal employee deductions and any other Court Order deductions with a higher priority.
From the dropdown select the nominal ledger account in which the deduction is held pending being paid over to the court.
Enter either an amount or a percentage depending on the payment pattern selected above. The percentage is applied to the Net Pay. The amount or the computed value from the percentage will be deducted at each payroll run. Note that if the Standard Council Tax or Direct Earnings Attachments pattern has been selected this field is left blank as system defined tables are applied.
Protected Deduction?
Check this box if there is a protected earnings portion, which allows the employee to keep a minimum level of net earnings.
Enter a number representing the order of priority in the event of multiple court orders. "1" will be deducted before "2", etc...
Carry Forward Balance
Displays the balance of any shortfall in deductions, due to protected pay levels, and which will be caught up in future pay runs.
Starting Balance
Enter the amount of the starting balance of the deduction order. Used if the payment pattern is reducing balance. This is a mandatory field if the payment pattern is set to reducing balance.
Paid To Date
Enter any amount that has already been paid to date by the employee. As deductions are made at each payroll run, this figure will be updated and display the total amounts deducted to-date. Used if the payment pattern is reducing balance. This is a mandatory field if the payment pattern is set to reducing balance.
Balance to Pay
Enter the amount still to be paid off the loan. Usually this is starting balance less paid to date.
As deductions are made at each payroll run, this figure will be updated and display the balance still to pay. Used if the payment pattern is reducing balance. This is a mandatory field if the payment pattern is set to reducing balance.
Order Date
Enter the date of the court order.
Order Reference
Enter the reference associated with this court order.