Expenses by Fund Report

For selected Accounts and within a specified date range the report displays Expenses by Fund or a selection of Funds.

Date Range From

The report will be prepared for all transactions recorded within the date range specified. The User may specify any period by adjusting the dates. The default will be the current accounting period.

Fund Selection

Select the Fund or Funds to be reported on by clicking in the left hand box

Accounts Selection

Select Account or Accounts to be reported on by clicking in the left hand box

Output as

The report is output as a hardcopy PDF.

Save a report

Reports can be saved locally to your computer, or within the Liberty Accounts database.

If you are viewing a report in Adobe Acrobat you can save it by clicking on the save icon within the Adobe Acrobat reader application.

If you want to save the report within the Liberty Accounts database after the report has been generated and the pdf closed simply give the report a meaningful name by editing the suggested report name then click the SAVE button. Reports saved within Liberty Accounts can be viewed at a later.

Reports - Saved Reports