Details of Employee Leaving Work (P45)

This screen allows the production of P45 report for a given employee.

A P45 form must be given to an employee when they cease to work for you.

To focus on a particular P45, choose the employee or "All" employees. Click the GENERATE Button to produce the report.

Before the P45 report can be produced the leaving date for the employee must be set in the Employee details screen and tab. If the leaving date has not been set a warning message is given.

Payroll - Manage Employees -Set Employee - Payroll/Tax Details

tick Process as a leaver during next pay run and set the leave date.

Select List

Click on the green … symbol to select one or more items for the report. If “All” (the default) is selected then the report is generated containing all appropriate items.

A P45 is a three part form. The first half provides the employee with details for the current tax year of pay and tax. The second part is to be given by the employee to the new employer employment. Finally the third part is for the new employer to update and return to their tax office.