Receive Payments
This screen is used to record receipt of a payment from a Customer. A list of customer invoices is displayed. If the payment received refers to these invoices click on APPLY against the invoice and enter the amount.
Many businesses batch a number of receipts/cheques together for deposit to their bank account at the end of the week. In this situation selection of the Undeposited Funds account as the deposit to account will assist in monitoring unbanked funds. The banking of the cheques can then be recorded as a single amount using the Bank Takings Income transaction. Recording the deposit as a single amount has the additional benefit of simplifying subsequent reconciliation of the bank account.
For customers invoiced in a foreign currency it is necessary to provide information on the amount received in both Sterling and in the currency of the invoice to ensure proper reporting of exchange rate gains and losses.
Payment Date
Enter the date of the payment. The date can either be entered manually or
selected from the pop-up calendar by clicking the icon.
The As At Date must be entered in the format DD/MM/YYYY, for example, 01/01/2000.
When entering dates manually, a date guessing routine speeds up the input by taking the user input and assuming the missing month and or year based on the current date as the user leaves the field i.e.
the date today is 30th October 2009
- User enters 15 or 15/ and tabs - field displays 15/10/2009
- User enters 15/9 or 15/9/ and tabs - field displays 15/9/2009
Deposit To
The bank account for the deposit.
A default may be displayed if it has been set in Document Settings or on the Customer record. This default may be overwritten.
To set a default, if it has not already been done, navigate to Document Settings under the Control menu. This will set a general default across all Customers.
Control - Document Settings - select Default Customer Receipts Account
If necessary a Customer specific default can be set on the Customer Record
Accounts - Customers - Click Open in the Action Menu - Commercial Details Tab - Amend the Request Remittance To field
Auto Receipt Totalling
Where there are no unapplied items displayed or foreign currency invoices, select the relevant deposit to account and then tick in the APPLY for all those invoices being paid in full. The Rece'ipt' box at the top of the screen displays the total being received.
When all the required invoices have been ticked as applied, click on SUBMIT to complete the receive payments transaction. The user is asked to confirm the amount being received in the dialogue box.
Select all credit (Unapplied) items
Tick the box to select all of the displayed credit items for application to the invoices.
Apply all available credit, paying the oldest items first
Tick the box to apply the sum of the receipt value entered plus any selected un-applied credit items. The credit will be applied to the oldest item first and so on until the value is consumed.
Applying transactions as yet unapplied
Where you haven't applied transactions during the normal process (or may previously have unallocated transactions)those items that are unapplied will be presented under 'Unapplied credits' (top section) and 'Invoices & Cash Settlement of Credit Notes'(bottom section). Simply select the transaction(s) to 'Use' from the top section and select the transaction(s) to 'Apply' from the bottom section. When fully applied click SUBMIT to confirm.
FX Amount Due
Displays the remaining amount to be received in the invoice currency if the customer is invoiced in a different currency to the base currency for the business.
FX Amount Received
When receiving a payment against a foreign currency invoice enter the foreign currency amount represented by the receipt.
When the foreign currency amount received is sufficient to satisfy the foreign currency amount due the invoice will be closed and any exchange rate gains/losses will be calculated and posted based on the sterling value of receipts that have been recorded.
FX Gain/Loss
If the foreign currency amount received is sufficient to close the invoice any exchange rate gains/losses will be calculated and displayed based on the sterling value of receipts that have been recorded.
For each FX invoice an exchange rate gains/losses an un-editable journal is posted. If the receipt allocation is subsequently de-allocated then the relevant journal is deleted.
Use this flag to set the status of a receivable item to "written-off".
Note that if you are VAT registered under the standard scheme this transaction will recover the VAT of the original invoice, or a portion of the VAT if the debt has been partly settled. Current VAT legislation states that VAT on written-off invoices may not be recovered until 6 months have elapsed after the original due date.
Aged Debtors and Customer Account Listing Reports
As part of a credit control process, knowledge of outstanding customer invoices and their age profile is very important. An Aged Debtors report fulfils this need. The report is accessed via the Reports menu.
Reports - Customer - Aged Debtors
The Customer Account Listing report shows all (including non cash) transactions that have impacted a Customer Account. It is accessed in a similar way to the Aged Debtors Report