FPS - Full Payment submission
An FPS must be filed for each payroll run on or before the payment date.
When a payroll run is finalised the user is taken to a submission screen and the FPS is ready to process.
An FPS filing is launched from this page.
PAYE Late Reporting Reason
If the FPS is being filed late a reason code must be sent to HMRC. Select the relevant reason from the dropdown list.
Note HMRC may ask you to justify the reason selected with evidence.
Test Submission
If the filing is to be a test, click Test Submission
Final Submission
Note that the last FPS of the year (or cessation of the payroll scheme) needs to be indicated as the Final Submission but only the last one.
Select the Sender Classification and click SUBMIT to continue to file the FPS. A second screen is drawn showing the status as pending.
When ready click SEND to file the submission, dismissing the warning. If the local validation is OK the status is shown as Queued. For feedback on process VIEW and go to User Feedback tab.
The user will receive an email detailing success or failure. In the latter case, correct the issues and re-send.
Return to the FPS submission screen via the Payroll menu
HMRC - Payroll(RTI) click FPS and VIEW
FPS Failure
If an FPS feedback message confirms a local validation failure, then the payroll run can be deleted by clicking the DELETE button. The user may make any adjustments and re-run the payroll and FPS filing.
Note if it possible to correct the errors without re-running the payroll (things like missing Employee Working hours selection) simply correct those errors that the message identifies and click SEND again.
If the submission feedback is a remote (HMRC) validation failure then to delete a payroll run requires that the Submission be re-called from the FPS submission management screen.
HMRC - Payroll(RTI) - FPS
Click RECALL to pull the submission back from the gateway. The particular payroll run can now be deleted from the batch run listing.