Unit Cost Worksheet
This report lists stock items within stock type showing current quantity and unit cost with space for a revised unit cost.
This report mirrors the Unit Cost Update screen to allow for a swift update of unit costs.
Unit Cost Update
Accessed from the Manage Stock menu the stock count screen is used to batch enter the results of a physical stock count. The screen can be filtered by stock type and mirrors a hard copy report that can be printed to assist the count process.
Stock - Manage Stock - Unit Cost Update
Enter the new unit cost in the Revised Unit Cost column. On Submitting; a value adjustment is posted to the Stock value Adjustment Account based upon the current physical stock quantity.
- Increase if +ve (Debit) or Decrease if -ve(credit) the stock account
- Increase (Credit) or Decrease (Debit) the Stock Value Adjustment Accounts (In P&L)