Transaction Audit Report

The Transaction Audit report produces a report detailing information on who performed a particular transaction and when that action took place (date and time)

The date ranges specified are the dates of when the activity in Liberty Accounts took place not the dates given to the transaction.

Transaction Audit Criteria

When a transaction is created it is given a unique transaction sequence number.The series started at "1" and increments by 1 as each transaction is entered. An update to the transaction retains the same sequence number and the audit report shows both the original details and any changes and a confirmation if it is deleted.

Note that the status of any transaction can be one of three: -

The status of the initial transaction
When the initial transaction has been amended in anyway. There can be multiple Inserts, one for each change
When a transaction has been deleted

The transaction audit report can be viewed by date criteria as described below but also as a listing in sequence number, this would allow a reviewer to confirm there are no gaps in the sequence from day one.

When viewing the transaction audit report the date window can be used in two ways.

The output list can be focussed using the following Filters: -

Document Type
Use the drop-down box to select any particular document type
Enter any particular transaction reference such as an Invoice Number etc.>
User Name
Use the drop-down to select any particular user name
Deleted Transactions
Tick the box for deleted transactions that are within the date and filter range

Note that when viewing by transaction date you will get a partial history of the audit trail if the transaction date has been updated for a transaction and any version of the record has a transaction date outside of the date window defined for the report.

When ready click GENERATE to prepare the report. Note the format is only as a PDF as the nature of the report is one that must be un-editable and therefore a downloaded file is not appropriate.

Date Range

You can specify a date range for the transaction. Dates can either be entered manually or selected from the pop-up calendar. Dates must be entered in the format DD/MM/YYYY, for example, 01/01/2018.

When entering dates manually, a date guessing routine speeds up the input by taking the user input and assuming the missing month and or year based on the current date as the user leaves the field i.e. the date today is 30th October 2018

Save a report

Reports can be saved locally to your computer, or within the Liberty Accounts database.

If you are viewing a report in Adobe Acrobat you can save it by clicking on the save icon within the Adobe Acrobat reader application.

If you want to save the report within the Liberty Accounts database after the report has been generated and the pdf closed simply give the report a meaningful name by editing the suggested report name then click the SAVE button. Reports saved within Liberty Accounts can be viewed at a later.

Reports - Saved Reports