Unpaid Bills Report

The Unpaid Bills report highlights all the bills that have been received, that remain unpaid. The user can also choose to report only those bills that remain unpaid after the agreed due date. It will also include unused credit notes issued by suppliers.

Note that payments made after the date agreed with the supplier could result in exposing the business to a credit charge from the supplier under late payments legislation.

The unpaid bills download file can be used as the basis for a file to submit via bank or BACS to make payment direct to suppliers. The user is responsible for ensuring the file is in a format appropriate to the needs of the bank or BACS service provider.

Overdue Bills

Tick this box to report only on those bills that become due and remain unpaid as at the As at date . The report generated will be entitled 'Overdue Bills at at dd/mm/yyyy'.

As At Date

Enter or select a date for which you want to run the report. This will normally be run as a 'current date' report, but it can also report on the state of bills at a point in history.

Select List

Click on the green … symbol to select one or more items for the report. If “All” (the default) is selected then the report is generated containing all appropriate items.

Output Format

Select from PDF, XLS and CSV. Note a CSV format is required for BACS file generation.

Due Date On or Before

If the BACS/DD (as a CSV file) export format is selected the report is based on bills that have a due date falling on or before the selected date. If you run a 2 week payment cycle you will probably want to set this date to the date of your next payment run in 2 weeks to ensure that all bills falling due in the period are settled within agreed terms.

When using the BACS/DD export you should apply any supplier credit notes to bills as required before generating your payment file.

Enter the date manually (e.g 19/12/2018) or click on the calendar icon to select date from calendar.

When entering dates manually, a date guessing routine speeds up the input by taking the user input and assuming the missing month and or year based on the current date as the user leaves the field i.e. the date today is 30th October 2018.

Payment File Format

Payment files can be generated for employee, supplier and customer payments.

Select the most suitable format to use as a starting point for your electronic payment file. Please contact support@libertyaccounts.com if you need a different format for a specific online payment system operated by a major UK bank.

The BACS style files have dates and amounts formatted in the BACS style, but still need to be processed by your BACS software into proper BACS files.

Supplier Payments Generic Format

The following fields are generated in the unpaid bills download:

Supplier Payments BACS Style Data Format

The following fields are generated in the unpaid bills download:

Supplier Payments Natwest Bankline Standard Payment Format

The records are as per the Natwest Bankline spec and include:

Customer Payments Generic Format (preparatory to direct debit)

The following fields are generated in the open invoices download:

Customer Payments BACS Style Data Format (preparatory to direct debit)

The following fields are generated in the open invoices download:

Payroll Payments Generic Format

The following fields are generated in the payroll payments download:

Payroll Payments BACS Style Data Format

The following fields are generated in the payroll payments download and should me mapped as required into your BACS software:

Payroll Payments Natwest Bankline Standard Payment Format

The records are as per the Natwest Bankline spec and include:

Payroll Payments Natwest Bankline Bulk List Template Format

The records are as per the Natwest Bankline spec and include an initial debit record with details of the originating account followed by the credit items with the following data:

Payroll Payments Natwest Bankline Bulk List Payment Format

The records are as per the Natwest Bankline spec and include an initial debit record with details of the originating account followed by the credit items with the following data:

Payment File Originating Account

For payments to employees and suppliers specify the account from which funds paid.

For payments requested from customers (BACS direct debits) specify the account into which funds are received.

Payment File Processing Date

Enter or select the date on which the payment should be processed if this can be used by your payment processor.

Save a report

Reports can be saved locally to your computer, or within the Liberty Accounts database.

If you are viewing a report in Adobe Acrobat you can save it by clicking on the save icon within the Adobe Acrobat reader application.

If you want to save the report within the Liberty Accounts database after the report has been generated and the pdf closed simply give the report a meaningful name by editing the suggested report name then click the SAVE button. Reports saved within Liberty Accounts can be viewed at a later.

Reports - Saved Reports