Memorised Transactions
The system allows regularly occurring transactions to be memorised and automatically recorded. They can be set up to be auto-scheduled or to be used manually as templates.
Transactions that may be memorised include
- Customer Invoices
- Receipts
- Supplier Bills (but not the subsequent payment) - Template creation available
- Payments when not a bill payment - Template creation available
- Expense claims - Template creation available
- VAT Breakdown (Takings) - Template creation available
- Journal Entries - Template creation available
- Donations - in Not-for-Profit Entities
Note, that where the option for Template Creation exists, then zero amounts may entered and saved in the original transaction before being memorised (See below)
Setting up an Auto-Scheduled Memorised Transaction
Enter the first occurrence of the transaction in the usual way.
Either from a list of the type of transactions or from an accounts listing.
Locate the transaction you have just created and click OPEN from the action box
The details of the transaction are displayed, click on MEMORISE and SCHEDULE tab from the Action Menu adjacent to the SUBMIT button.
The Transaction Type will be displayed for confirmation. Enter a Transaction Name; this is for identification purposes. The Reference has been brought forward from the original transaction, but can be changed if necessary.
Ticking Auto Schedule means that the system will automatically perform the transaction on the due date. (It can always be edited after if necessary).
Select the Frequency of payments by selecting from the list and enter the date of the next transaction in Next Date. (See important note below).
The NO. Remaining is the number of times the transaction has still to be made. If you would like to record the transaction before the due date, enter a number of days in the In Advance field. Click on the SUBMIT button to record the data.
The frequency is selected from the following options: -
- Daily
- Weekly
- 2 Weekly
- 4 Weekly
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Semi-Annual
- Annual
- Bi-Annual
- Tri-Annual
Setting up a Memorised Transaction to be used later as a template (manual recording)
Enter the first occurrence of the transaction in the usual way, if it is to be a template, enter zero values.
Either from a list of the type of transactions or from an accounts listing
Locate the transaction you have just created and click OPEN from the action box
The Transaction Type will be displayed for confirmation. Enter a Transaction Name; this is for identification purposes. The Reference has been brought forward from the original transaction, but can be changed if necessary. Click on the SUBMIT button to record the data.
Using a memorised Transaction as a template
To use a memorised transaction that has not been auto-scheduled go to the Control menu.
Control - Memorised Transactions - Click the USE button from
action box
symbol adjacent to the relevant transaction
The transaction is posted and displayed so that any data can be added or amended in the usual way.
Editing a Memorised Transaction
By selecting Memorised Transactions under the Control menu, you can see a list of all memorised transactions.
Clicking the EDIT button allows a user to change the details of any transaction. The memorised transaction maintenance screen reappears. Change any information as necessary. SUBMIT will update the information, the DELETE button will delete the memorised transaction from the list.
Next Date
The next posting of the memorised transaction will be the on the Next Date as entered on the system.
If the date entered is in history an overnight batch run will post transactions up to todays date or until the No Remaining is exhausted.
To ensure that a transaction is dated and posted on the last day of a calendar month; enter in the Next Date field the last day of the month. i.e. 28th February; from then on each transaction is posted on the last day of the calendar month. So the next transaction (if monthly) after 28th February will be dated and posted on the 31st March. Note that if a date of the 27th of the month or less is entered that will remain the day in the month for all future occurrences of the transaction i.e. 6th of month will remain the 6th. However if the date is 28th or more eventually the date for future transaction will become the last day of the calendar month, for example, if the Next Date for a monthly memorised transaction is the 28th December, the next ones will be the 28th January, 28th February, and as this is the last day of the month, from then on all transactions will be posted on the last day of the month, so in this case the next one will be dated 31st March, not the 28th
Amending the details of a memorised transaction
Click OPEN and amend as necessary.
Number remaining has expired
In the situation where the number remaining has expired (and postings have therefore stopped) but the user wishes to retain the memorised transaction and have the system catch-up simply enter a new No. Remaining and SUBMIT. In an overnight batch run those transactions will be posted.