P11D and P11D(b)
This screen is used to manage the submission of P11D returns and the accompanying P11D(b). When a user clicks SUBMIT the return is prepared and validated locally.
To start the online filing process, click the SEND button. The summary screen updates with the status.
Polling takes place each hour and the status will show 'Queued' until polling is attempted. Until polling has started the submission may be recalled by clicking the RECALL button.
Under the submission details tab, select the sender classification and the employer declaration.
The Class 1A NIC's due are shown under the Class 1A tab, there is also the ability to make adjustments.
The P11D Constants tab, enable a user to confirm at a glance the parameters used in the computation of P11Ds.
The Feedback tab reports commentary from the HMRC gateway processes.
If you are uncertain as to the meaning and consequences you are strongly advised to seek advice from your advisor.
Sender Classification
Select the classification of the sender, either an employer or an agent.
If your are unclear as to the meaning of this, you are strongly advised to seek some professional advice
Employer Declaration
The usual declaration will be All P11d's for the year "are due".
You may select "are not Due". Liberty Accounts will process this declaration to the gateway as well as any P11D's.
If your are unclear as to the meaning of this, you are strongly advised to seek some professional advice
Total Benefits and Class 1A NIC's
Liberty Accounts displays the value of the total benefits liable to Class 1A NIC's from the prepared P11D forms. The applicable class 1A rate from the constants is also displayed and used to compute the unadjusted NIC's payable.
If adjustments are to be made, tick the box and then enter the adjustments as two blocks. Firstly add any amounts on which class 1A NICs are due together with a brief description. Then in the second box enter any amounts on which class 1A NICs are not due and description.
The final totals are calculated and displayed by the system.
If your are unclear as to the meaning of this, you are strongly advised to seek some professional advice.