Receipts and Deposits

This screen provides a list of any receipts and deposits that have been posted with in the date range selected. The list can be filtered in a number of ways:-

The vertical-nav-24-compact-grey action box symbol gives access to the following actions.

to view/modify details relating to the receipt or deposit.

to open a transaction audit report that provides a non-editable history of the transaction and its accounting impact. The report details which user recorded the initial transaction together with the date and time as well as the details of any subsequent amendments.


to unreconcile the transaction if it has previously been bank reconciled. Note use this with care as the transaction will subsequently need to be reconciled if it not deleted.

to Void transaction if a customer payment had bounced and is shown as money in and money out on your bank statement. Voiding the receipts un-applies the payment from the invoice but leaves the cash movements behind so you can so you can reconcile to your bank statement. See Dealing with dishonoured Receipts or Cheques
to remove the transaction If not yet reconciled or allocated.

Note allocations to other documents (receipts to sales invoices) can be managed by clicking the network symbol.