Transaction Register
This screen provides a view of transactions for the selected account. The "From" and "To" date fields can be used to control which period you are viewing. They will default to the four weeks up to the current date unless you have changed the dates during your current session.
Account: Switch to....
To quickly move to the transaction register for a different account, select it from the drop-down.
Re-assign To Account
Single or multiple transactions may be re-assigned to another account by selecting from the drop-down box an account to which the transactions need to be moved.
Note this is a powerful feature and must be used with care and understanding.
Select those transactions required to be moved by ticking the selection box for each. Note all items in the screen date window may be selected by ticking 'Re-assign All'
In the case of bank accounts only unreconciled item by be reassigned.
When ready, click the REASSIGN button to move those transactions.
Action Box
Once a transaction has been created and stored, a user Opening the transaction will see , just below the header area, an
action box symbol.
This provides quick access to: -
- Open
- to view/modify details relating to the transaction.
- Analyse
to open an analysis screen allowing for quick and easy amendments to posting accounts and allocations. More information is available from this Analyse Screen link.
- Add Prepayment Schedule
to set up the details of a schedule. More information is available from this Prepayment Schedules link.
- Audit
to open a transaction audit report that provides a non-editable history of the transaction and its accounting impact. The report details which user recorded the initial transaction together with the date and time as well as the details of any subsequent amendments.
- Unreconcile
to unreconcile the transaction if it has previously been bank reconciled. Note use this with care as the transaction will subsequently need to be reconciled if it not deleted.
- Delete
- to remove the transaction. Only available if the transaction is not reconciled or locked for other reasons. A confirmation dialog is displayed showing a summary of the transaction being deleted, confirm to complete.
In VAT Return
Transactions that have been considered for inclusion in a VAT return are
displayed with a icon.
You are not able to update transactions that have been considered for inclusion
in a VAT return.
Transactions that have been reconciled, but can be unreconciled are displayed
with a icon. This
implies that the transaction is in an open period and has not be included in a
VAT return.
Allocated Items 
On customer and supplier accounts some transactions will display
This implies that the transaction has been allocated to another item. You can undo the allocation
by clicking on the icon.
To undo an allocation tick the Deallocate Box.
Part-Allocated Items 
On customer and supplier accounts some transactions will display
This implies that the transaction has been partially allocated to another item. You can undo the allocation
by clicking on the icon.
To undo an allocation tick the Deallocate Box.