Donation Upload
This feature allows for the upload of donations using a csv file.
When a file has been successfully uploaded, the data is displayed in a screen based table that highlights any inconsistencies, duplicates or missing items. Amendments may be made. Where necessary it is also possible to map incoming field names to system required names.
Technical Specifications
File Format
The donations upload requires that data is presented in a standard csv file. Please note the following points carefully and take care to ensure that your file is properly formatted.
When using MS Excel to generate csv files you are advised to select the full area of the dataset and format the cells as "Text" before saving as a csv file. This will help to ensure that the file is consistently formatted.
- The order of the fields is not significant but the order of the data fields must match the order of the field names in the first line.
- Where a text field contains a comma the field should be quoted using double quotes - e.g. "Oliver,Cromwell".
- Numeric fields should NOT include comma formatting of thousands etc.
- Numeric fields may include a decimal point as appropriate.
- Numeric fields may include a - sign as a prefix if negative - e.g. -9999.99
- Date fields must contain 4 digit year and be in the following format: dd/MM/yyyy eg 25/1/2006 if no date format is provided in the import file.
- A date format pattern may be specified on each line of the import file if desired; define a field "date_format" and include a date pattern using the standard date patterns as specified for the java language SimpleDateFormat class.
- If the file is generated from a software package such as your accounting package or a spreadsheet you should review the file using a simple text editor before uploading it to ensure it is properly formatted.
Liberty Accounts reserves the right to charge for any support required following a failure to adhere to the guidelines in this specification.
Field Names
The first line of the file should contain valid field names from the list below.
Note the underscore character in place of spaces.
It is not necessary to include every field in your upload file, just include those
for which you have data.
Note that where field data exceeds the maximum permitted size it will be truncated.
Required fields are indicated with .
- donor_code
- date_transacted
- fund_code
- department_code
- activity_code
- deposit_to_account_code
- income_account_code
- donation_amount
- fee_amount
- fee_account_code (required if fee_amount > 0)
- sponsored_event_code
- donation_benefit_value
- reference
- memo
- gift_aid_claimed_externally
- gift_aid_not_claimable
- gasds_eligible_cash_donation
- date_format
donor_code (text: max 20 characters) - Required
The donation is referenced to a donor via a donor code. The code is previously set on the Donor Maintenance record.
Donors - Donors - List Donors - EDIT the relevant donor to add a code.
date_transacted (date formatted text) - Required
The date associated with the donation. It may used for gift aid purposes.
The default format for the date is: d/m/yyyy e.g. 25/1/2007 If an alternative date format is used the date_format pattern should be included in every line of the import file - see below.
fund_code (text: max 20 characters) - Required
The Fund benefiting from the donation. The code is previously set on the Fund Maintenance record.
department_code (text: max 20 characters) - Optional
The Department benefiting from the donation. The code is previously set on the Department Maintenance record.
activity_code (text: max 20 characters) - Optional
The Activity benefiting from the donation. The code is previously set on the Activity Maintenance record.
deposit_to_account_code (text: max 20 characters) - Required
This field should contain a user defined code for the bank/credit card account to which you wish to record the receipt. The code may be defined on the account record and allows users to cross-reference an account in Liberty Accounts with a code from an external system.
Note if the code is not found on an account during an upload the user will be able to select the account from a mapping screen.
A code is set on the account maintenance record.
Accounts - Bank Accounts/Credit Cards - Action Menu - Configure the relevant account to add a cross reference code
Use the Cross References tab and enter a suitable code in the Import Cross Reference field
income_account_code (text: max 20 characters) - Required
This field should contain a user defined cross reference code for the income account to which you wish to record the donation. The code may be defined on the account record and allows users to cross-reference an account in Liberty Accounts with a code from an external system.
Note if the code is not found on an account during an upload the user will be able to select the account from a mapping screen.
A cross reference code is set on the account maintenance record.
Accounts - Income - Action Menu - Configure the relevant account to add a cross reference code
Use the Cross References tab and enter a suitable code in the Import Cross Reference field.
donation_amount (numeric) - Required
The amount of the donation. Numeric values must not include comma formatting.
fee_amount (numeric)
The amount of fees charged by donation processor. Numeric values must not include comma formatting.
fee_account_code (text: max 20 characters) - Required if fee_amount > 0
This field should contain a user defined code for the fee account to which you wish to record the donation collection fee. The code may be defined on the account record and allows users to cross-reference an account in Liberty Accounts with a code from an external system.
gift_aid_claimed_externally (text: max 5 characters) - Optional
Should only contain either 'True','False','T','F','yes','no', 'y', 'n'.
Used to indicate that gift aid has already been claimed for this donation in another system. If this is set true the donation will be excluded from Gift Aid claims prepared in Liberty Accounts. N.B. Only applies for Gift Aid Donors - otherwise defaults to false.
gift_aid_not_claimable (text: max 5 characters) - Optional
Should only contain either 'True','False','T','F','yes','no', 'y', 'n'.
Where a donor who is normally a Gift Aid donor makes a donation but informs you that their tax/income situation in the current tax year is such that it would not be lawful to claim Gift Aid, this option can be checked. This option can be used when the situation is temporary to avoid the need to manage their taxpayer status date, or change them to a non-gift aid donor type. N.B. Only applies for Gift Aid Donors - otherwise defaults to false.
gasds_eligible_cash_donation (text: max 5 characters) - Optional
Should only contain either 'True','False','T','F','yes','no', 'y', 'n'.
Used to indicate that cash and contactless donations from non-taxpayers should be treated under the GASDS scheme. You are responsible for ensuring that the donation is eligible under current HMRC Gift Aid rules. N.B. Only applies for non-Gift Aid Donors - otherwise defaults to false.
sponsored_event_code (text: max 20 characters) - Optional
The sponsored event generating the donation. The event information is used for gift-aid claim purposes. The code is previously set on a Sponsored Event Maintenance record.
Donors - Sponsored Events - List Events - the relevant Event to add a code
donation_benefit_value (numeric) - Optional
The value of any benefit the donor has received as a result of the donation. The value is used for gift-aid claim purposes. Numeric values must not include comma formatting.
reference (text: max 25 characters) - Optional
A free form reference field.
memo (text: max 200 characters) - Optional
A free form memo field.
date_format (text: no max specified) - Optional
If using date formats different from the expected default a pattern must
be supplied using the date format patterns as specified for Java
SimpleDateFormat class.
d - day
M - month - N.B. Capital M for month (small m for minutes)
y - year
ddMMyyyy - 25022007
d/M/yyyy e.g. 25/1/2007