Payroll Batch History
This screen provides a list of any payroll batch's between the given dates. The list can be filtered by batch run type.
The last batch of any type can be re-opened by clicking on RE-OPEN button. This will reverse all transactions associated with that batch run including the journal that posted the associated accounting entries.
The batch may then be deleted by clicking the DELETE button. Deleting a payroll run for which an FPS has been filed with HMRC must be approached with care. The filing at HMRC is not reversed. The payroll run will need to be re-run, perhaps with corrections, to put back the reversed accounting entries. However to prevent the creation of another FPS for the same payroll period tick the Suppress FPS box before completing the run. On closing the payroll the accounting entries will be made but no FPS is created.
Where the re-run payroll has changed the year to-date figures those changes will be reflected in the FPS filed when the next payroll is run.
Batches which are locked and therefore not reversible are displayed with a
The AE ASSESSMENT button opens a screen that displays a pension auto enrolment assessment based upon current earnings and information for each employee in the payroll run.